Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Sprngn 4wrd

Spring is FINALLY here!

Regardless of what that thing called a calendar says, my first day of spring is when we spring forward with tha clocks. I mean really...soooooo much is going on, I'm losing an hour and it's not even affectin me cause I'm totally thrilled about the fact that it ain't dark till late!! There's time for baseball and grillin and dirtbike ridin and photo walks and campin and outside music...geez the list just goes on.

I absolutely LOVE this time of year, so here's a crapload of pictures that I shot this weekend to enjoy rather than my ramblin on bout how much I friggin adore this time of year :O)

The new camera has made this spring so much more excitin too...Maybe all these picture takin walks will pay off one day. If not, I've got my own cool pictures to decorate or do whatever with. I would LOVE to get to the point where photography was a full time thing though...I'm in the process of building up my portfolio, so if you want some super great, super creative shots at a super deal,  PLEASE let me know!