Okay, so I finally did it...I succumbed to the creative forces of PINTEREST.
This was my first PIN...A little hardcore; yes, but it's so friggin' me (soaked with sarcasm)
Sweet Jesus, I can't believe I did that. Now I have one more thing to tack onto the list of CREATIVITY ADD related things that I go back and forth between on a regular basis. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot...
This is crazy - Its like one of the funnest ways to TOTALLY WASTE TIME. Unless you are driving traffic towards your BLOG or PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIO, you aren't totally wasting time (that's what I like to tell myself anyways...hey, it's my lie I'll tell it however I want to).
I think these dang sayings are the funniest shiz EVER...A few more that I pinned:
This one needs to go on the main gate at Roads En Farm :O)
hehehe...enough said :O)