Okay, so one post and then not another one for nearly two months...Slack, I know but oh what has happened in the past two months!
First of all, apologies for not following up on the 2011 Silk Hope Old-Fashioned Farmers Day...In a nutshell, the show was great and the weekend was great all up until Sunday morning loading the equipment up. To save myself of replaying the horrific scenes over and over again in my head, I'll just be blunt...Chris flipped over a tractor and it SHOOK me up. The only other thing I'm gonna say is he didn't roll the tractor over, it flipped over...END...over....END. Fastforward ahead one month and Chris is fine, the tractor has already been fixed, and the poor people who witnessed my Faulkner fit first-handedly are fine as well. Mess with this gal's best friend/hubby/lil boy's daddy and ur gonna hear it. Needless to say, since Silk Hope was going to be my next post, I said skrew it...There's no way I can write about this or anything else right now. Nuff said. Anyhooo, here are a few pics of the show...the good memories for me (ha).
Wagon Train Replica
aka Food Cart from back in tha day |
Our babies at the show. The lil guy in the middle was the poor thing that did the somersault with Chris... |
Blacksmithing! Always super cool to watch!! |
Spinning with a loom...wow...I was totally amazed. As many times as I have been to Silk Hope every year, I never got a chance to see this special lady in action. What a talent! |
It's night night time! Beds from way back when were pretty hard core...Rope for the frame where the mattress goes, and a mattress stuffed with hay, leaves, etc anything that could be found for filler. Gives a tangible meaning to the phrase "Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!" |
Look at this handsome boy just waiting patiently for his turn working... |
After watching the cotton press, saws, and several other machine/tools I pondered the fact on what the heck an OSHA rep would have said about farm working conditions around the turn of the centry...So many open moving parts, blades, belts, etc - I wondered how many limbs got yanked off while folks were just tryin to do their jobs. |
I just love this pic...It literally looks like I stepped through the farmin-time portal to snap this. Somehow, I managed to NOT include all of the bystanders around because seriously the place was crowded. |
Moving on...since then we have been running in overdrive with school, the farm, tae kwon do, and football. At one point, Hudson was going to two tkd classes a week AND we had three nights a week of football. Its all good, but it's also enough to run you ragged.
Just look at that lil Warrior....So worth the time and sweat! |
#56...The farthest blue jersey to the right |
There are only two more football games left for this season and they are next week, so hopefully we will have some much needed breathing time before basketball gears up!
Now that we are all caught up, this weekend is already shaping up to be a busy one...So many fun things to look forward to though! Fall festival at church, my niece's 3rd birthday party (at the park of course!), and plenty of chill time with the fam in this LOVELY fall weather.
Have a great weekend!
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