Tuesday, November 8, 2011

They're NOT Shoes!

I'm one of those folks you see fall after fall, clinging onto my flipflops and sandals like there is no tomorrow. I don't know why either because I LOVE shoes, but I just have a hard time transitioning from ffs and sandals to straight up shoes that smother my lil piggies. Yep, I'll admit it...I'm one of 'those' you see rockin the North Face AND a toboggan with my fave ffs frozen to my feet. I know I'm not the only one that does this, so I haven't ever really felt that bad about it. To each his/her own, right?!?

November 2010
North Face (check), Long Pants (check), Birkenstocks (check)

November 2010
Double-Layered Shirts (check), Long Pants (check), Rainbows (check)
Mmkay, so you get the picture....

For some reason this year, I haven't felt the need to cling to my Rainbows and Birkenstocks the way I always have. Not that there's a shortage in the love dept for my two fave pairs of shoes, but I was ready to tell them buh-buy a lot earlier than normal and that struck me as being weird. Am I feeling okay? Am I coming down with something? WTF Abigayle?

Because of this, I have had to get way too creative with my shoe/outfit selections here lately. My body was saying I need shoes covering my toes and my toes were saying "Noooooo....don't cover us up yet!!" I have already broken out the Uggs (normally waaaay to early for me), I have pushed the business casual envelope at work with my cowboy boots and Chucks, and my beloved Mary Jane Crocs are on their last lil legs.

Enter these guys...


The Hubs and Hud surprised me with these for my birthday! I gotta hand it to my boys...They know me like no other. Chris picked up on my shoe dilemma without me even having to rant and grumble repetitively AND he knows that I have a penchant for all things funky/eclectic. He also knows that most anything that I wear to work can't push the business casual envelope too hard. BAM! My boys hit the nail right on the head with the Sanuks! (Thanks Chris and Hud...Yall are the absolute BEST)

I could rave on and on and on about these AWESOME shoes! I absolutely LOVE them! They are super comfy, lightweight and they look good with almost ANYTHING!

You want to know what the absolute BEST thing about them is though??  THESE ARE NOT SHOES. Yep...The tag even says so!

They are actually sandals (yoga mat bottom and canvas top). These shoes sandals, ladies and gentleman allow Abigayle to have her cake AND eat it too! Sanuks are the perfect transitional weather footwear. See, I'm not totally jumping from the ffs and sandals to the  boots and sneakers, but a comfy place in-between. They are lightweight enough that my feet don't get hot during the heat of the day and they are warm enough for chilly fall evenings outside.

Aren't they adorable???

I am definitely a fan of these  shoes sandals for life (or until they quit makin them, which I hope is never). Soooo, if you are like me and have a hard time transitioning your fall footwear, or if you just love shoes, you should definitely check them out HERE.

Let me know what you think!!

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