Old stuff absolutely rocks...I love it so much that my house pretty much has something OLD in every room.
Each item has a story as unique as the item itself...
That's why we really try to collect pieces that belonged to someone in our family, have a special meaning about someone in our family, or have a special meaning to us...........
Every weekend, its like a quest to see what we can find. We have had so much fun hitting up random places...When you luck up and get a good price, thats even more fun!
This post is the first of a series of OLD STUFF posts that I hope to keep going...
My vintage Wilton trivets...
Wonder how many hot pots and pans these babies have held over the years...Think about all the meals that would have been cooked around them and all of the hands that prepared the meals. Also - these were brand spanking new at one time...Way back in the day someone treasured having these items in their kitchen...
This isn't just a tribute to the "champagne of beers"...This is my Granny Miller's shelf!
See the smaller picture on the left? Yep that's her way back in the day (probably late 40s early 50s) on the side of the road in front of a MILLER beer billboard :O) The tin isn't vintage - its a remake I snagged at Buckhorn for like 2 bucks. It fit my lil shelf idea so well, I couldn't pass it up. The vintage Miller goblet to the left was a gift from one of my fave cousins by marriage...Thanks Lauren!
The larger picture on the right is of my Granny Miller (on the left) and one of their family members in front of a 40s or 50s model Harley.
Mmkay Buddy, no more Yoo-Hoo for you. That was Chris' sock monkey whom we rescued from his mother's attic a few months ago. If you have kids, you prolly recognize that hat...yep, Woody from Toy Story is letting Buddy the sock monkey borrow it for a while. Chris picked up the vintage Yoo-Hoo bottle at a yard sale and the chair too. The adorable older gentleman that we bought the chair from said he really couldn't remember how old it was, but it was really old because it has been around since he has.

See - what if that chair could talk??
Would it talk about all the arses that plopped down in it?
Would it talk about all the conversations it heard?
What would it say about it's life?
See - what if that chair could talk??
Would it talk about all the arses that plopped down in it?
Would it talk about all the conversations it heard?
What would it say about it's life?
This antique trunk, my friends was a SURPRISE brought to me!
Long story short, I took care of MAN work on the farm a few weeks ago ALONE (all the menfolk were at their normal day jobs) and since Chris knew I'd been hot for an antique trunk of some sort, he randomly stumbled across this one at a flea market one Saturday and scooped it up to THANK me for my work :O)
It's a turn of the century steamer trunk with the caster wheels on the bottom...The lock is broken, but that's okay it only adds character. I instantly wiped it off when he brought it in the house and put it to work! All of those albums are Chris' (he collects cool vinyl) and the red throw I lined the trunk with belonged to my Great-Grandmother Annie.
Colt Seavers aka The Fall Guy aka Lee Majors!
Yep, this set belongs to Chris...He loves it.
He loves it so much, that it was displayed over our kitchen cabinets the day he brought it in.
For those of you who weren't fortunate enough to watch this shiz on TV back in the day, I am seriously offering my condolences and urging you to find these episodes on DVDs asap.
EARLY 80's TV at it's BEST!
More OLD STUFF tbc...
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